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Request Body (application/json)





  "reportId": "string", // Required. Unique identifier for the report (UUID, e.g., "e58ed763-928c-4155-bee9-fdbaaadc15f3")
  "reportedBy": { // Required
    "reporter": "string", // Required. Name of hospital, clinic or corresponding and the name of the midwife or corresponding (e.g., "Alfa Medicincentrum, Alfa Allergimottagningen, Alfa Regionen, Bertil Barnmorska")
    "phoneNumber": "string" // Optional. A phone number to contact the healthcare provider (e.g., "070 00 00 000")
  "mother": { // Required
    "personalIdentityNumber": { // Optional. Either personalIdentityNumber or dateOfBirth must be set, both cannot be set.
      "id": "string", // Required. A 12-digit Personal identity number (e.g., "19960628-2391")
      "oid": "string" // Optional. Identity type (e.g., "1.2.752.")
    "dateOfBirth": { // Optional. Either personalIdentityNumber or dateOfBirth must be set, both cannot be set.
        "year": "string", // Required. A year represented by 4 digits between 1900 and 2100 (e.g. "2024")
        "month": "string", // Optional. A month represented by 2 digits between 01 and 12 (e.g. "04")
        "day": "string" // Optional. A day represented by 2 digits between 01 and 31 (e.g. "04")
    "name": { // Optional
      "firstName": "string", // Optional. (e.g. "Alex")
      "middleName": "string", // Optional. (e.g. "Blomman")
      "lastName": "string" // Optional. (e.g. "Svensson")
  "father": { // Optional
     "personalIdentityNumber": { // Optional. Either personalIdentityNumber or dateOfBirth must be set, both cannot be set.
      "id": "string", // Required. A 12-digit Personal identity number (e.g., "19960628-2391")
      "oid": "string" // Optional. Identity type (e.g., "1.2.752.")
    "dateOfBirth": { // Optional. Either personalIdentityNumber or dateOfBirth must be set, both cannot be set.
        "year": "string", // Required. A year represented by 4 digits between 1900 and 2100 (e.g. "2024")
        "month": "string", // Optional. A month represented by 2 digits between 01 and 12 (e.g. "04")
        "day": "string" // Optional. A day represented by 2 digits between 01 and 31 (e.g. "04")
    "name": { // Optional
      "firstName": "string", // Optional. (e.g. "Alex")
      "middleName": "string", // Optional. (e.g. "Blomman")
      "lastName": "string" // Optional. (e.g. "Svensson")
  "child": { // Required
    "date": "string", // Required. The child's date of birth. It must not be later than today's date. (Format: date, e.g., "2024-10-04")
    "gender": "string", // Required. Child's gender. Possible values: "BOY", "GIRL", "UNKNOWN".
    "municipality": "string", // Required. The municipality where the birth took place (e.g. "Östersund")
    "aliveAtBirth": boolean, // Required
    "order": int // Required. Order of the child in relation to other siblings born during the same delivery (e.g. 1)
  "totalNumberOfChildren": int, // Required. Total number of children born during this delivery (min:1, max:9)
  "residentialAddress": [ "string" ], //Optional. An array of strings representing a Swedish address. (max 5 items).
  "residentialAddressAbroad": [ "string" ],  //Optional. An array of strings representing a foreign address. (max 5 items).
  "phoneNumber": [ "string" ] //Optional. An array of strings representing a phone number to contact the mother. (max 5 items).


  • 201 Created: Birth report created successfully. Response includes the generated personal identity number for the child.

      "reportId": "string", // The same identifier that was sent in the report (UUID, e.g., "e58ed763-928c-4155-bee9-fdbaaadc15f3")
      "personalIdentityNumber": "string" // The new personal identity number assigned to the child (e.g., "202411190000")

  • 202 Accepted: Birth report requires manual processing. The response contains a confirmation message explaining why a personal identity number could not be assigned immediately.

      "reportId": "string", // The same identifier that was sent in the report (UUID, e.g., "e58ed763-928c-4155-bee9-fdbaaadc15f3")
      "message": {
        "message": "string", // This message can be forwarded to the end user (e.g., "Anmälan mottagen. Skatteverket skickar underrättelse till barnets förälder.")
        "description": "string", // This description is only meant for debugging and is passed up from SKV (e.g., "Anmälan avser inte \\\"nyanmälan\\\", tilldelning av personnummer får inte ske")
        "messageConfirmationCode": "string" // This code is passed up from SKV (e.g., "201")

  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid request data. The response includes details about invalid parameters and validation failures.{


      "title": "string",

      "detail": "string",

      "status": int,

      "errorId": "string",

      "invalidParameters": [

          "reason": "string",

          "value": "string",

          "property": "string"

  • 403 Forbidden: The request is forbidden.

  • 422 Unprocessable Entity: The server understands the request but is unable to process the contained instructions (e.g. syntax error).
    "title": "string",
    "detail": "string",
    "status": int,
    "errorId": "string"

  • 500 Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred on the server.
    "title": "string",
    "detail": "string",
    "status": int,
    "errorId": "string"

  • 502 Bad Gateway: Birth report not created due to an error when communicating with Skatteverket.
    "title": "string",
    "detail": "string",
    "status": int,
    "errorId": "string"
