201 Created: Birth report created successfully. Response includes the generated personal identity number for the child.
Kodblock language json { "reportId": "string", // The same identifier that was sent in the report (UUID, e.g., "e58ed763-928c-4155-bee9-fdbaaadc15f3") "personalIdentityNumber": "string" // The new personal identity number assigned to the child (e.g., "202411190000") }
202 Accepted: Birth report requires manual processing. The response contains a confirmation message explaining why a personal identity number could not be assigned immediately.
Kodblock language json { "reportId": "string", // The same identifier that was sent in the report (UUID, e.g., "e58ed763-928c-4155-bee9-fdbaaadc15f3") "message": { "message": "string", // This message can be forwarded to the end user (e.g., "Anmälan mottagen. Skatteverket skickar underrättelse till barnets förälder.") "description": "string", // This description is only meant for debugging and is passed up from SKV (e.g., "Anmälan avser inte \\\"nyanmälan\\\", tilldelning av personnummer får inte ske") "messageConfirmationCode": "string" // This code is passed up from SKV (e.g., "201") } }
400 Bad Request: Invalid request data. The response includes details about invalid parameters and validation failures.
Kodblock language json { "title": "string", "detail": "string", "status": int, "errorId": "string", "invalidParameters": [ { "reason": "string", "value": "string", "property": "string" } ] }
403 Forbidden: The request is forbidden.
Kodblock language json { "timestamp": "2024-11-22T11:03:06.771+00:00", "status": 403, "error": "Forbidden", "message": "No message available", "path": "/v1/birthreport" }
422 Unprocessable Entity: The server understands the request but is unable to process the contained instructions (e.g. syntax error).
Kodblock language json { "title": "string", "detail": "string", "status": int, "errorId": "string" }
500 Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred on the server.
Kodblock language json { "title": "string", "detail": "string", "status": int, "errorId": "string" }
502 Bad Gateway: Birth report not created due to an error when communicating with Skatteverket.
Kodblock language json { "title": "string", "detail": "string", "status": int, "errorId": "string" }
: See Request Body description above.ReportedBy
: Defines information about the reporter.Kodblock language json { "reporter": "string", // Required. "phoneNumber": "string" // Optional. }
: Defines information about a parent (mother or father).Kodblock language json { "personalIdentityNumber": { //Optional. Either this or dateOfBirth must be set "id": "string", // Required. "oid": "string" // Optional. }, "dateOfBirth": { //Optional. Either this or personalIdentityNumber must be set "year": "string", // Required. "month": "string", // Optional. "day": "string" // Optional. }, "name": { // Optional "firstName": "string", // Optional. "middleName": "string", // Optional. "lastName": "string" // Optional. } }
: Defines information about a name.Kodblock language json { "firstName": "string", // Optional. "middleName": "string", // Optional. "lastName": "string" // Optional. }
: Defines a Swedish personal identity number.Kodblock language json { "id": "string", // Required. "oid": "string" // Optional. }
: Defines a dateKodblock language json { "year": "string", // Required. "month": "string", // Optional. "day": "string" // Optional. }
: Defines information about the child.Kodblock language json { "date": "string", // Required. "gender": "string", // Required. "municipality": "string", // Required. "aliveAtBirth": "boolean", // Required. "order": "integer" // Required. }
: Describes the format of error responses.Kodblock language json { "title": "string", "detail": "string", "status": "integer", "errorId": "string", "invalidParameters": [ { "reason": "string", "value": "string", "property": "string" } ] }
: Describes a single invalid request parameterKodblock language json { "reason": "string", "value": "string", "property": "string" }
: See Response Codes 201 and 202.ConfirmationMessage
: Describes the message returned in the 202 response, for manual processingKodblock language json { "message": "string", "description": "string", "messageConfirmationCode": "string" }