Jämförda versioner


  • Dessa rader lades till.
  • Denna rad togs bort.
  • Formateringen ändrades.


  • May-June: We contact vendors to let them know that we are interested in their product

  • August 15th: Last date for vendors to submit the ”Core-Plus” quote, including a filled in ”Eira Standards and principles” Standards” form and a license draft, to Eira

  • October 1st: Last date for Eira decision on which products are included in ”Eira Core”

  • October 15th: Last date for Eira decision on which products will be offered as ”Eira Plus”

  • November 30th: Last date for Eira to inform vendors whose products are selected for ”Eira Plus” which
    regions will subscribe to the product for the following year

”Core-Plus” quotes


The ”Core-Plus” quote needs to include pricing for two scenarios:
