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För att styra loggnivåer i virtualiseringsplattformen är det alltså sista raden som ändras till INFO eller DEBUG. Loggningen skapas i en fil som heter vp.log och ligger i foldern logs under MULE_HOME. Man kan också styra hur Mule själv loggar som står beskrivet i Readme under logs i muledistributionen "Application-level logging is configured in the file "conf/log4j.properties" (by default all output is sent to the console). System-level logging is configured in the file "conf/wrapper.conf" (by default all output is sent to the file "logs/mule.log" Note that, unless the application is run in the foreground (i.e., not as a daemon), this means that while the application itself is configured to send its output to the console, the wrapper receives the console output and sends it to the log file. In addition to the application's output, the wrapper also sends any JVM-level or OS-level errors/warnings to the log file. This means that if the JVM crashes and automatically restarts (enabled by default), the time and cause of the crash will remain in the log file after the JVM restarts."


Varje delkomponent som byggs innehåller enhetstester. Kod och konfigurering för dessa återfinns enligt standard Maven projekt struktur under src/test.


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