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Referens till regel
eller krav i TK 1.0-RC9

FelscenarioFelkodFeltextExempel på SOAP Fault
§ 6.4 StatusrapporteringVid ett tekniskt fel levereras ett generellt undantag (SOAP-Exception).E000

A technical error has occurred, error message: <technical details>


The payload does not follow the XML Schema, error messge: <error>

§7.5 Update-R1Element i inkommande request till Update måste vara sinsemellan unika.EI002

EngagementTransaction <position1> and <position2> have the same key. That is not allowed. See rule for Update-R1 in service contract

    §7.5 Update-R7Logisk adress i request till Update måste vara identisk med Engagemangsindexets eget HSA ID.EI003

Invalid routing. Logical address is HSA123 but the owner is HSA456. They must be the same. See rule for Update-R7 in service contract