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Pricing offers for Eira Consortium - information for vendors

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Products subscribed to by Eira regions and negotiated by Inera are separated into:

  1. ”Eira Core” & ”Eira Plus” products (order and billing through Inera)

  2. ”Eira Add-on” products (order and billing through vendor)

• ”Eira Core” – Eira Consortium, all 21 Regions, subscribe through Inera
• ”Eira Plus” - Regions are offered to subscribe through Inera (optional for each Region)
• ”Eira Add-on” - Regions are offered to subscribe through vendor (optional for each Region)

For both ”Eira Core” and ”Eira Plus” products Inera coordinate orders, invoices, license agreements, support
issues, training sessions, usage statistics and updates link resolvers to make content available in subscribing

Please note, as a vendor/publisher you can not choose between offering your product as 1) ”Eira Plus/Core”
(order through Inera) or 2) ”Eira Add-on” (order through vendor).

Our aim is to maintain ”Eira Core” as a common, high quality knowledge base available in all Regions, and at
the same time meet the regional needs, preferences for ordering and budget conditions of different Eira
members, by offering additional optional Plus and Add-on products.

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