Jämförda versioner


  • Dessa rader lades till.
  • Denna rad togs bort.
  • Formateringen ändrades.


Utöver detta behövs rättigheter till följande:


Innan release av en component ska funktionella tester, lasttester och robusthetstester genomföras.Generell instruktion för att köra lasttester med Gatling


Release Management

To release software components we use Maven and its release-plugin.


For the SKLTP project with the group-id se.skltp, see http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/se/skltp/.

Verify and publish released artifacts

Before publishing released artifacts to the public Maven repository we can verify its functionality by publishing them to a staging repository.
After a successful verification we can move on and make them public available in the central Maven repository.
