Information in English
Information in English
Question: how can I quickly get an overview of the service?
- The films below, subtitled in English, describe the service
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLofvkub1C51dgJpTaOr90Ckx0eoVbSghi - This presentation summarizes the most important aspects of the service
Question: how can I get more information about the terminlogy used in the service?
- The service collects its data from the Swedish Tax Agency's population register (Navet), below some useful links about the register and some terminlogy used in the service
https://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Private-individuals/Protection-and-asylum-in-Sweden/While-you-are-waiting-for-a-decision/LMA-card.html - All fields in the service have English names, but explanations in Swedish in these documents
http://rivta.se/domains/strategicresourcemanagement_persons_person.html Below is a table with the most commonly used terminlogy used in the descriptions of the service, with a corresponding English translation. In some cases there is a link to further explanations
Swedish English Huvudidentitet Primary identity Nationella tjänsteplattformen National Service Platform (NTjP) Personnummer Personal identity number Personuppgifter Personal data Personuppgiftstjänsten Personal Demographic Service Reservidentitet Temporary identity Samordningsnummer Co-ordination number Sekretessmarkering för en person Protected person Tjänstekontraktsbeskrivning Service contract description (TKB)
Question: The specifications for the service contracts are in Swedish, is there an explanation in English somewhere?
- There are films explaining the most commonly used service contracts. These films are subtitled in Swedish and English
Question: When a patient is Deregistered as “AV” (Deceased), will the Deregistered Date represent the Deceased Date?
- Yes
Question: Is there any general information about Inera and its services in English?
- The technical nature of the service lends it well to using google translate on many of the documents, although Inera takes no responsibility for the result.
- By sending an email to kundservice@inera.se, you can get more answers to your questions.
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