-Term definitions for IoT

-Term definitions for IoT

IoT architecture models

The diagram below illustrates how device-related terms have been used in the reference architecture. Details about each term are found in the list below.


OpenGroup’s comparison of IoT architecture models

OpenGroup has drawn up a comparison of the architecture models for different IoT frameworks. Their materials are available here

W3C reference architecture for IoT

The W3C reference architecture for IoT is found here

SOSA term model

The term model from SOSA is found here

Definitions of terms

For some terms, both the Swedish and the English version are given. Some of the definitions are taken directly from ISO standards.






IoT device

IoT device is a term that is used for both the physical and virtual representation of the sensors or actuators.




Physical IoT device

An electronic device that integrates with the physical world.

Can be a sensor or actuator.

A collective term for sensors, actuators or devices.



Originates from the term Device in ISO 30141:2018.

Simulated IoT device

Refers to an IoT device that is not directly connected to a physical IoT device, e.g. a computed value.




Virtual IoT device

Represents a physical IoT device or a simulated device.

An application always integrates with the virtual IoT device.


Virtual IoT device is more or less the same as what in AWS is called device shadow or in Microsoft Azure the device twin, or in ISO 30141 the Virtual Entity.



Physical IoT device that detects and/or measures events in a physical device and then translates the result into digital data representing the measurement, which can be transmitted over a network. The digital output of the sensor for measurement may differ significantly from the original physical measurement environment, and may cause a significant time delay due to the processing of data within the device.

An example could be the identification of a person’s identity from a surveillance camera. A sensor is a specialisation of an IoT device.


Swedish Local Fibre Alliance’s guide “Robust och Säker IoT” [Robust and secure IoT]

SE: Ställdon

Physical IoT device that has the ability to make changes in the physical environment.

The actuator controls a physical event, such as the speed of a pump.


Swedish Local Fibre Alliance’s guide “Robust och Säker IoT” [Robust and secure IoT]

IoT system

The components needed to convey and transform information between physical IoT devices and applications, and to manage virtual and physical IoT devices.

E.g. activation of needs-based cleaning in response to data from motion sensors is an application of the IoT system.

E.g. publication of open data is an application of the IoT system.


According to ISO/IEC 20924:

system providing functionalities for Internet of Things

According to interofthingsagenda:

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

IoT platform

A platform is a group of technologies that are used as a base upon which other applications, processes or technologies are developed.


REASON: It is an unclear umbrella term that is covered by other definitions.




Application refers to a computer application, system or service that uses the information, data and services of the IoT system.



IEC 60050 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Details for IEV number 741-01-02: "application"


Application software

IoT architecture

Describes the structure and relationships between IoT system(s) components and the responsibilities of the respective component, thus describing the IoT system from a holistic perspective.


REASON: It is an unclear umbrella term that is covered by other definitions.


Self-developed definition

Syntactic interoperability
SE: Syntaktisk interoperabilitet

Interoperability such that the formats of the exchanged information can be understood by the participating systems



ISO/IEC 1994:2017

Semantic data interoperability
SE: Semantisk interoperabilitet

Interoperability so that the meaning of the data model within the context of a subject areas is understood by the participating systems



ISO/IEC 1994:2017

Behavioural interoperability

Interoperability so that the actual result of the exchange achieves the expected outcome



ISO/IEC 1994:2017

Policy interoperability

Interoperability while complying with the legal, organisational and policy frameworks applicable to the participating systems



ISO/IEC 1994:2017

Context awareness
SE: Kontextmedvetenhet

See Wikipedia. Context awareness



Context awareness


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