Verify your account

Verify your account

The first time you log in to the new customer portal, it is important that you use the link below.

  1. Clicka on Verify your account.


  2. Enter the email you have previously used to contact Inera. Please note the email and organisation number must match.

  3. Click Submit when you have entered the correct information.

  4. You should now receive a new email to complement the verification.

  5. Click on the link in the new email to continue registration.



  1. To validate your information use from the alternatives below the E-identification that suits you.

  2. After successful validation, this message appears and disappears after a short while automatically.

  3. Finish by ticking the checkbox at the bottom and click Submit to complete the registration.

  4. After the validation is complete, you are logged in to the customer portal. image-20240419-081225.png